Sunday 27 April 2008

YouTubage: 2

The original Cobrastyle

This was never shown in the UK, a marvelous Heineken ad - it's always the alcohol ads - featuring the Teddybears' original version of Robyn's cover Cobrastyle. The two are very different and brilliant in their own way.


DanProject76 said...

I have been playing Cobrastyle in my bookshop this week... original version and Robyn one. Spooky!

Great ad, drinking beer sure looks fun!

Michael said...

I knew the Teddybears version first - love it, as do my kids. Then a month or two ago I picked up Robyn's "Rakamonie" EP and there was her version. I like both but give the Teddybears a tiny edge over her.

Speaking of Robyn, I caught the tail end of Graham Norton last night on BBC America and she sang "Who's That Girl" - fab!