Friday 21 December 2007

Christmas time, Girls Aloud and wine...

Those darling Girls Aloud have just been the guest hosts of Channel 4's The Friday Night Project, and vare funny they were too. Being good sports they dressed up and fooled around, like this nativity scene above singing A Gay in a Manger with Alan Carr (the poove in the manger) and Justin Lee Collins. And until the clips appear on YouTube, who knew Nicola was so ballsy and good at the goofy acting malarky. Sarah Hard-on (as Alan kept calling her) had a few too many Chardonnays, but she's a happy drunk, so that's OK. Cheryl was sweet as cheryl pie. Kimberley's voice is getting lower and lower. And I still can't understand a word Nadine says.

P.S. they did a fab choreographed version of Can't Speak French. The new single methinks.

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